Friday, November 6, 2009

What's The Point?

Why should I blog? Blogging is a little bit narcissistic, no? Well...I am going to be straight up--as this blog will be a very honest account. I want to write about food...and I want to get paid to do it (one day at least!).

I realized recently that I am among the few of my college peers who actually cooks lunch and dinner for themselves. I'm not really a Ramen fan (only when desperate...) and Spaghetti-o's just have never done it for me. I'm going to firstly blame my mother for my interest and willingness to spend thirty minutes every afternoon boiling pasta and sautéing onions--she's always made the art of cooking look and feel extremely effortless (and delicious). I have adopted this habit, much to the joy of my seven roommates.

This blog is going to be about what I'm cooking on my limited college budget...and how it goes. I will fill you in when I royally mess things up, and when I find great success. I hope that this gives you something to laugh at maybe...and also maybe gives you fellow college cooks (and even real-life working type people.....) some ideas and inspiration for future meals. My goal everytime I cook is to obviously make something yummy, but in general to experiment and try and make new things. I don't always make elaborate food--but I do what works on a college budget, with a really tiny kitchen and a lack of kitchen appliances. If anyone would like to get me a Cuisinart Food Processor, I will be your best friend...just sayin'........

Bon Appetit!

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